The University of Edinburgh

Data, digital and AI /
User and stakeholder perspectives

Social Studies of Information and Communication Technologies

Research in Science, Technology and Innovation Studies (STIS) on social studies of information and communication technologies examines how ways of knowing and organising are transformed through the creation of infrastructures of computer-mediated communication and data-based decision making, and how society, organisations and individuals respond to these transformations.

Digital Sociology

Research in the School of Social and Political science encompassing digital labour, social media, the darknet, and popular music.

Design Informatics

The Institute for Design Informatics draws on user centred and participatory design methods to develop design driven solutions in a range of areas. This includes exploring and utilizing data and digital tools in new ways.

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Business, innovation and economy
Equality, diversity and inclusion
Ethics and regulation
Historical and longitudinal perspectives
Place, context and culture
Public attitudes and controversies
Security, risk and harm
User and stakeholder perspectives